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blasting experiment中文是什么意思

用"blasting experiment"造句"blasting experiment"怎么读"blasting experiment" in a sentence


  • 爆破用具


  • First of all , engineering database of the system should be adjusted according the fact . and do some pre - splitting blasting experiment in site , accumulating blasting engineer instances on the base of the in site experiment
  • On the basis of theory of fracturing mechanics and damage mechanics , the mechanism of damage and fracture by explosion load has been analyzed and studied deeply . and the calculation of blasting damage in rock is explored further by using the combination of the current model for blasting damage and the simulating blasting experiment
  • In blasting experiments , durations of subordinate basting seismic waves and intensity of influence among them are changed by adjusting the number of subordinate blasting , explosive weigh of subordinate blasting , total quantum of explosive , interval , hole - net parameters and wave resistance of rock , etc
用"blasting experiment"造句  
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